The National Housing Law Project (NHLP) will hold its second free 30-minute training for residents and advocates about the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) on Wednesday, April 26 at 1:30 pm ET. Through RAD, HUD is permanently privatizing 185,000 public housing units by converting them to either project-based voucher (PBV) or project-based rental assistance (PBRA) programs. RAD conversions can have a profound impact on residents’ lives and the long-term affordability of the nation’s affordable housing stock. The ten trainings will help residents and advocates learn how to ensure maximum protections for RAD residents.
Each 30-minute training will provide a brief overview of an issue that residents and advocates are likely to encounter in a RAD conversion, followed by ten minutes for Q&A. During each session, NHLP staff will discuss the protections guaranteed by RAD, relevant legal authorities, advocacy tips, and other resources. The second training is “RAD 101: Component 1 for Public Housing.”
The ten topics are:
- Why and How Should I Get Involved in My Local RAD Conversion? (April 12)
- RAD 101: Component 1 for Public Housing (April 26)
- RAD 101: Component 2 for HUD-assisted Multifamily Housing (May 10)
- RAD Tenant Organizing Rights (May 24)
- RAD Right to Remain, Rescreening, and Temporary Relocation (June 7)
- Long-Term Oversight and Affordability (June 21)
- Common RAD Fair Housing and Civil Rights Issues (July 12)
- Demolishing and Reducing Units via RAD (August 2)
- Leases and House Rules After RAD (August 16)
- Grievance and Choice Mobility Rights After RAD (August 30)
A brief description of each training session is here.
All trainings will take place at 1:30 pm ET.
Register for the entire training series here.
For more information, contact Jessie Cassella at:
To see whether RAD is happening in your community, go to:
More information about RAD is on the NHLP website at:
NLIHC also has RAD information on page 4-15 of the 2017 Advocates’ Guide at: