Share your housing success story for a new national report
Housing advocates are developing a report to highlight the positive impacts of federal housing programs across the country
We have our work cut out for us in the coming years. Threats to critical affordable housing programs that serve the poorest households are real and significant. President-elect Donald Trump has already proposed cutting federal spending for everything but defense over the next ten years—a plan that could decimate affordable housing programs and likely increase housing poverty and homelessness.
It is now more important than ever for NLIHC, the Campaign for Housing and Community Development Funding (CHCDF), and our partners to continue to advocate for families with the lowest incomes in our communities and to ensure that their voices are heard.
Submit your affordable housing success story today!
NLIHC and CHCDF are preparing a national report on the broad, positive impacts created by HUD and USDA's affordable housing programs to share with Members of Congress. Our hope is to feature a wide range of success stories to demonstrate how these programs have helped low income families living in rural, suburban, and urban communities nationwide. The report is slated for publication in early 2017.
As part of this effort, we would like to encourage state and local organizations, as well as individuals, to submit a success story to be included in this publication. Please only submit one success story per organization.
It is important that we collect success stories from across the country—especially if they are on our target list for the House and Senate. To see the target list, go here:
To submit a success story, please go here:
The deadline to submit a success story is December 15, 2016.