A spokesperson for House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced that the House will not vote on a budget resolution when lawmakers return this week from recess. Republicans were cautiously optimistic that the budget might receive a floor vote soon, but this announcement now puts that possibility in doubt. The House is at a stalemate in advancing its proposed budget resolution approved by the Budget Committee in March in a party-line vote.
The House Appropriations Committee is permitted to bring bills to the House floor after May 15 without a budget resolution. House Appropriations Committee Chair Hal Rogers (R-KY) stated, “May 15 is the date that we can legally go to the floor without a budget resolution, so that’s probably what’ll happen.”
House appropriators are currently drafting bills that adhere to the budget deal from last year that set the topline number for discretionary spending in FY17 at $1.07 trillion.
In the Senate, the THUD spending bill may come to the floor for a vote as soon as this week. Advocates should be prepared to weigh in with their senators when amendments are offered during consideration of the bill.