Register now for the fourth Our Homes, Our Voteswebinar in the six-part series on nonpartisan voter engagement. This webinar, taking place on August 7 at 3:00 pm ET, is titled “An Informed Debate - Effectively Engaging Candidates while Remaining Non-Partisan.” The session will provide guidance on how organizations can develop nonpartisan candidate forums, town hall meetings, candidate surveys, and candidate factsheets. Register for the webinar series today at:
Affordable homes are often ignored in the public debate, and elections are a great opportunity to get decision-makers addressing housing issues. Attendees will hear about the best opportunities to invite candidates to interact with residents or community members through meetings and site visits. Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness (MCAH) Executive Director Eric Hufnagel will discuss how the MCAH has been asking candidates for the state legislature to take a stand on various housing and human service issues. Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless Executive Director Senta Leff will share best practices and perspectives on planning and conducting a candidate forum.
The next webinar after the August 7 session will focus on how organizations can educate low income renters and allies on the voting process. This fifth webinar, taking place on Tuesday, August 14, will discuss how to provide voters information about their respective polling locations, times, and identification requirements. The session will also cover the best ways to provide information about candidates in a non-partisan manner.
More information on upcoming webinars as well as recordings from past broadcasts can be found on the new Our Homes, Our Votes website. The website is a one-stop-shop for information and resources on expanding registration and turnout of low income renters and allies in the electoral process. Visit the new website at: