Register now for NLIHC’s second Our Homes, Our Votes webinar in the six-part series on nonpartisan voter engagement. This webinar, taking place on July 24 at 3:00 pm ET, will focus on the first step to effective voter engagement: “Building the Base: Voter Registration of Low Income Renters and Their Allies.” Register for the webinar series at:
Robust nonpartisan voter registration campaigns are needed to address the low rates of voting among low income renters. Attendees will learn key considerations for door-to-door registration drives, voter registration at community events, and the incorporation of voter registration efforts into day-to-day operations. Annie Leomporra, grassroots analyst with the National Coalition for the Homeless, will join for a discussion of their “You Don’t Need a Home to Vote” campaign, which provides guidance on registering voters experiencing homelessness.
The third webinar, on July 31, will focus on how organizations can use voter lists for mobilizing registered voters to get to the polls. Voter lists are a powerful tool that can be used for many purposes, including knowing where your target community lives and how to contact them, identifying the polling locations of registered voters, and developing strategies to remind voters to cast their ballots on Election Day. Housing advocates from California will discuss how they are using voter lists to support upcoming November ballot initiatives.
The full Our Homes, Our Votes webinar series provides strategies and tools for nonpartisan voter registration, education, and mobilization, as well as candidate engagement. The project seeks to compel candidates for office to address issues of homelessness and affordable housing and to commit to real solutions. Through Our Homes, Our Votes, advocates and residents across the country will engage in the electoral process and stress to candidates at every level - federal, state, and local — that affordable housing is a critical issue they must address to earn our votes.
Register for the webinar series today at: