Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a $1.8 billion housing bond bill, H. 4536, on May 31 to increase the production and preservation of housing affordable to low and moderate income families and individuals. Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), an NLIHC state partner, led advocacy efforts for the bill’s passage.
The law will create more affordable homes for low income residents and fund both permanent and transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness. The bond bill includes $400 million for the state’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund, $600 million for modernization of public housing, and $45 million to develop early care and educational programs. The law will also expand housing accessibility, allocating nearly $125 million for improved housing for individuals with disabilities or mental illnesses. The law also extends and expands the Massachusetts state Low Income Housing Tax Credit.
Representative Kevin Honan (D) and Senator Joseph Boncore (D) led negotiations between the House and Senate to finalize the bill. Governor Baker had proposed a similar bill in 2017, many elements of which are reflected in the final law.
Housing advocates in Massachusetts applauded the efforts of the legislature and the Governor. “As the largest housing bond bill ever passed in Massachusetts, this is a historic achievement that will help so many find safe, healthy, and affordable homes,” said Eric Shupin, director of public policy at CHAPA.
For more information, contact Eric Shupin at: