At a hearing tomorrow, members of Congress will discuss proposals to cut housing benefits that help America’s lowest income seniors, people with disabilities, families with children, and other people afford to keep roofs over their heads.
Tell Congress to protect housing benefits by participating on Wednesday, April 25 in a national Twitterstorm at 2:00 pm and by calling your senators and representatives throughout the day. Call-in scripts, sample tweets, and factsheets are available in this advocacy toolkit.
Instead of expanding housing benefits to every family in need, the Trump administration and members of Congress are proposing to cut housing benefits for millions of low income families. Rent increases, arbitrary work requirements, de facto time limits and other burdens are being proposed.
Cutting housing benefits will not create jobs that pay decent wages or other opportunities needed to lift people out of poverty. Instead, such cuts would only make it harder for low income people to climb the economic ladder and live with dignity. If lawmakers are serious about economic mobility, Congress and the Trump administration should start by expanding investments in affordable rental homes, implementing bipartisan legislation passed in 2016 to help incentivize earnings, and scaling up solutions that work, like HUD’s Family Self Sufficiency program.
Take Action
Congress needs to hear from you! Join advocates across the nation to oppose housing benefit cuts on Wednesday, April 25 by:
- Participating a national Twitterstorm at 2:00 pm;
- Calling your senators and representatives throughout the day; and
- Joining more than 600 organizations by signing a national letter in opposition to housing benefit cuts today. You can sign the letter and see a list of current signers.
Use this advocacy toolkit for call-in scripts, sample tweets, and factsheets with more information.